Associations between hemispheric asymmetry and schizophrenia-related risk genes in people with schizophrenia and people at a genetic high risk of schizophrenia
British Journal of Psychiatry
Fecha de publicación: 30 de abril
Autores: Yue Zhu,Shuai Wang,Xiaohong Gong,Elliot K. Edmiston,Suyu Zhong,Chao Li,Pengfei Zhao,Shengnan Wei,Xiaowei Jiang,Yue Qin[Opens in a new window],Jujiao Kang,Yi Wang,Qikun Sun,Gaolang Gong,Fei Wang andYanqing Tang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.2021.47
Background: Schizophrenia is considered a polygenic disorder. People with schizophrenia and those with genetic high risk of schizophrenia (GHR) have presented with similar neurodevelopmental deficits in hemispheric asymmetry. The potential associations between neurodevelopmental abnormalities and schizophrenia-related risk genes in both schizophrenia and those with GHR remains unclear.