Development and external validation of the Psychosis Metabolic Risk Calculator (PsyMetRiC): a cardiometabolic risk prediction algorithm for young people with psychosis

Lancet Psychiatry

Fecha de publicación: Junio de 2021

Autores: Benjamin I Perry, MRCPsych , Emanuele F Osimo, MRCPsych, Prof Rachel Upthegrove, PhD, Pavan K Mallikarjun, PhD, Jessica Yorke, MBBS, Jan Stochl, PhD, Prof Jesus Perez, PhD, Prof Stan Zammit, PhD, Prof Oliver Howes, PhD, Prof Peter B Jones, PhD, Prof Golam M Khandaker, PhD


Background: Young people with psychosis are at high risk of developing cardiometabolic disorders; however, there is no suitable cardiometabolic risk prediction algorithm for this group. We aimed to develop and externally validate a cardiometabolic risk prediction algorithm for young people with psychosis.

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