Effects of whey protein nutritional supplement on muscle function among community-dwelling frail older people: A multicenter study in China
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics
Fecha de publicación: 17 March 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2019.03.012
Autores: Lin Kang, Ying Gao, Xiaohong Liu, Yinghui Liang, Yiwen Chen, Yanhong Liang, Lu Zhang, Wei Chen Haiyu, Pang, Li-Ning Peng.
Background: Frailty, featured by the presence of fatigue, weight loss, decrease in grip strength, decline gait speed and reduced activities substantially increase the risk of falls, disability, hospitalizations, and mortality of older people. Nutritional supplementation and resistance exercise may improve muscle function and reverse frailty status.