Predictors of Frailtyand Vitality in Older Adults Aged 75 Tears and Over: Results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
Fecha de publicación: Marzo de 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1159/000512049
Autores: van Hout H.P.J. · de Bruin S.R. · Schuster N.A. · Deeg D.J.H.· Huisman M. · Hoogendijk E.O.
Background: Frailty can be seen as a continuum, from fit to frail. While many recent studies have focused on frailty, much less attention has been paid to the other end of the continuum: the group of older adults that remain (relatively) vital. Moreover, there is a lack of studies on frailty and vitality that investigate predictors from multiple domains of functioning simultaneously. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of frailty as well as vitality among older adults aged 75 years and over