Psychosocial therapies for the adjunctive treatment of bipolar disorder in adults: network meta-analysis

The British Journal of Psychiatry
May 2017, 210 (5) 333-341

Mary Lou Chatterton, Emily Stockings, Michael Berk, Jan J. Barendregt, Rob Carter, Cathrine Mihalopoulos


Background: Few trials have compared psychosocial therapies for people with bipolar affective disorder, and conventional meta-analyses provided limited comparisons between therapies.

Aims: To combine evidence for the efficacy of psychosocial interventions used as adjunctive treatment of bipolar disorder in adults, using network meta-analysis (NMA).

Method: Systematic review identified studies and NMA was used to pool data on relapse to mania or depression, medication adherence, and symptom scales for mania, depression and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)…

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