Relationship between self-perceptions of aging and ‘living well’ among people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Findings from the ideal programme
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics
Fecha de publicación: 16 deenero de 2021
Autores: Serena Sabatini, Obioha C. Ukoumunne, Anthony Martyr, Clive Ballard, Ruth A.Lamont, Rachel Collins, Claire Pentecost, Anna Hunt, Catherine Quinn, Jeanette M.Thom, Linda Clare, on behalf of the IDEAL programme team
Objective: A primary goal for dementia research is to understand how to best support people to live well with dementia. Among cognitively healthy older individuals, more positive attitudes toward their own aging (ATOA) and/or feeling younger than their chronological age (i.e. having a younger subjective age: SA) are associated with better quality of life (QoL), satisfaction with life (SwL), and well-being (which are indicators of capability to live well), and fewer depressive symptoms. We tested whether people with dementia (PwD) with more positive ATOA and/or with a younger SA report better QoL, SwL, and well-being, and are less likely to experience depression.