Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics
Trajectory classes of social activity and their effects on longitudinal changes in cognitive function among older adults
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: Octubre de 2021 Autores: Da EunKim, Ju YoungYoon DOI: Objectives: This...
Family caregiving and changes in mental health status in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 17 de Septiembre de 2021 Autores: YutaTaniguchi, AtsushiMiyawaki, YusukeTsugawa, HiroshiMurayam, aNanakoTamiya, TakahiroTabuchi...
Association between osteosarcopenia and cognitive frailty in older outpatients visiting a frailty clinic
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 17 de septiembre de 2021 Autores: Tatsuro Inoue, Akio Shimizu, Shosuke Satake,...
Mental Health, resilience, and religiosity in the elderly under COVID-19 quarantine in Qatar
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 6 de junio de 2021 Autores: SamiOuanes, RajeevKumar, Esraa Saleh IdrissDoleh, MalekSmida,...
Impact of childhood trauma on multidimensional frailty in older patients with a unipolar depressive-, anxiety- or somatic symptom disorder
Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 30 de mayo de 2021 Autores: O.C.Schmah, H.W.Jeuring, I.Aprahamian, P.Naarding, R.M.Marijnissen, G.J.Hendriks,...
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