Sixty Years of Placebo-Controlled Antipsychotic Drug Trials in Acute Schizophrenia: Systematic Review, Bayesian Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression of Efficacy Predictors

The American Journal of Psychiatry

Fecha de publicación: October 01, 2017


Autores: Stefan Leucht, M.D., Claudia Leucht, M.D., Maximilian Huhn, M.D., Anna Chaimani, Ph.D., Dimitris Mavridis, Ph.D., Bartosz Helfer, M.Sc., Myrto Samara, M.D., Matteo Rabaioli, Susanne Bächer, Andrea Cipriani, M.D., Ph.D., John R. Geddes, M.D., Georgia Salanti, Ph.D., John M. Davis, M.D.

Objective: Antipsychotic drug efficacy may have decreased over recent decades. The authors present a meta-analysis of all placebo-controlled trials in patients with acute exacerbations of schizophrenia, and they investigate which trial characteristics have changed over the years and which are moderators of drug-placebo efficacy differences.



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