Stenting for symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis The Vertebral Artery Ischaemia Stenting Trial

Neurology Journal

Fecha de publicación: September 20, 2017

DOI:  http:/​/dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000004385

Autores: Hugh S. Markus, DM, Susanna C. Larsson, PhD, Wilhelm Kuker, FRCR, Ursula G. Schulz, DPhil, Ian Ford, PhD, Peter M. Rothwell, FMedSci* and Andrew Clifton, FRCR* For the VIST Investigators

Objective: To compare in the Vertebral Artery Ischaemia Stenting Trial (VIST) the risks and benefits of vertebral angioplasty and stenting with best medical treatment (BMT) alone for symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis. 


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