Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis of preliminary data from 21 countries
The Lancet Psychiatry
Fecha de publicación: 13 de abril de 2021
Autores: Prof Jane Pirkis, PhD , Prof Ann John, MD, Sangsoo Shin, MPH, Marcos DelPozo-Banos, PhD, Vikas Arya, MRes, Pablo Analuisa-Aguilar, MPH, Prof Louis Appleby, FRCPsych, Prof Ella Arensman, PhD, Prof Jason Bantjes, PhD, Anna Baran, PhD, Prof Jose M Bertolote, MD, Prof Guilherme Borges, PhD, Prof Petrana Brečić, MD, Prof Eric Caine, MD, Giulio Castelpietra, PhD, Shu-Sen Chang, PhD, David Colchester, BTech, Prof David Crompton, FRANZCP, Prof Marko Curkovic, MD, Eberhard A Deisenhammer, MD, Chengan Du, PhD, Jeremy Dwyer, PhD, Annette Erlangsen, PhD, Jeremy S Faust, MD, Sarah Fortune, PhD, Andrew Garrett, PhD, Devin George, MPPA, Rebekka Gerstner, MPH, Renske Gilissen, PhD, Prof Madelyn Gould, PhD, Prof Keith Hawton, FMedSci, Joseph Kanter, MD, Prof Navneet Kapur, FRCPsych, Prof Murad Khan, PhD, Olivia J Kirtley, PhD, Duleeka Knipe, PhD, Kairi Kolves, PhD, Stuart Leske, PhD, Kedar Marahatta, MD, Prof Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz, PhD, Prof Nikolay Neznanov, PhD, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, PhD, Emma Nielsen, PhD, Prof Merete Nordentoft, DrMSc, Herwig Oberlerchner, Dr med, Prof Rory C O’Connor, PhD, Melissa Pearson, PhD, Prof Michael R Phillips, MD, Prof Steve Platt, PhD, Prof Paul L Plener, MD, Georg Psota, MD, Prof Ping Qin, PhD, Daniel Radeloff, Dr med, Christa Rados, Dr med, Prof Andreas Reif, MD, Christine Reif-Leonhard, MD, Prof Vsevolod Rozanov, PhD
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is having profound mental health consequences for many people. Concerns have been expressed that, at their most extreme, these consequences could manifest as increased suicide rates. We aimed to assess the early effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates around the world.