
The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with and without depressive, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorders: a longitudinal...

The British Journal of Psychiatry Fecha de publiacación: 8 de diciembre de 2020 DOI: Autores: Kuan-Yu Pan, PhD , Almar...

Predicting In‐Hospital Mortality in COVID‐19 Older Patients with Specifically Developed Scores

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Fecha de publicación: 16 de noviembre de 2020 DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16956 Autores: Marcello Covino MD,...

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among San Francisco Bay Area Older Adults During the COVID‐19 Shelter‐in‐Place Orders

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Fecha de publicación: 23 de septiembre de 2021 DOI: Autores: Ashwin A. Kotwal...

Significant reduction of physical activity in patients with neuromuscular disease during COVID-19 pandemic: the long-term consequences of quarantine

Journal of Neurology Fecha de publicación: 13 de Julio de 2020 DOI: Autores: Vincenzo Di Stefano, Giuseppe Battaglia, Valerio Giustino, Andrea Gagliardo, Michele...

Predictors for development of critical illness amongst older adults with COVID-19: Beyond age to age-associated factors

Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 24 dediciembrede 2020 DOI: Autores: Jun PeiLim, Kristabella Yu HanLow, Nicole...