Trends in standardized mortality among individuals with schizophrenia, 1993–2012: a population-based, repeated cross-sectional study
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Published: September 18, 2017
DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.161351
Evgenia Gatov, MPH; Laura Rosella, PhD; Maria Chiu, PhD; Paul A. Kurdyak, MD PhD
Autores: Evgenia Gatov, MPH, Laura Rosella, PhD, Maria Chiu, PhD, Paul A. Kurdyak, MD PhD
BACKGROUND: We examined mortality time trends and premature mortality among individuals with and without schizophrenia over a 20-year period.
METHODS: In this population-based, repeated cross-sectional study, we identified all individual deaths that occurred in Ontario between 1993 and 2012 in persons aged 15 and over. We plotted overall and cause-specific age- and sex-standardized mortality…