Mitigating the effect of persistent postnatal depression on child outcomes through an intervention to treat depression and improve parenting: a randomised controlled trial
The Lancet Psychiatry
Fecha de publicación: February 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30006-3
Autores: Alan Stein, FRCPsych, Elena Netsi, DPhil, Peter J Lawrence, DClinPsy, Charlotte Granger, DClinPsy, Claire Kempton, MAppSci, Prof Michelle G Craske, PhD, Alecia Nickless, MSc, Jill Mollison, PhD, D Anne Stewart, FRCPsych, Elizabeth Rapa, DPhil, Valerie West, BSc, Gaia Scerif, PhD, Prof Peter J Cooper, DPhil†, Prof Lynne Murray, PhD†
Background: Maternal postnatal depression occurs following 10–15% of births and is associated with a range of negative child outcomes. Risks to children are particularly increased when postnatal depression is persistent. We aimed to examine whether a parenting video-feedback therapy (VFT) intervention versus a control treatment of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), both added to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for persistent postnatal depression, would lead to improved child outcomes at age 2 years.