Abstracts de Psiquiatría
On the Genetic and Environmental Relationship Between Suicide Attempt and Death by Suicide
American Journal of Psychiatry Fecha de publicación: 14 de julio de 2021 Autores: Alexis C. Edwards, Ph.D., Henrik Ohlsson, Ph.D., Eve Mościcki, Sc.D., M.P.H., Casey Crump, M.D.,...
Mental health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: a latent class trajectory analysis using longitudinal UK data
Lancet Psychiatry Fecha de publicación: Junio de 2021 Autores: Matthias Pierce, PhD , Sally McManus, MSc, Holly Hope, PhD, Prof Matthew...
Development and external validation of the Psychosis Metabolic Risk Calculator (PsyMetRiC): a cardiometabolic risk prediction algorithm for young people with...
Lancet Psychiatry Fecha de publicación: Junio de 2021 Autores: Benjamin I Perry, MRCPsych , Emanuele F Osimo, MRCPsych, Prof Rachel Upthegrove,...
Association of mental disorders with SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe health outcomes: nationwide cohort study
British Journal of Psychiatry Fecha de publicación: 7 de enero de 2021 Autores: Ha-Lim Jeon, Jun Soo Kwon, So-Hee Park and...
Mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in two longitudinal UK population cohorts
British Journal of Psychiatry Fecha de publicación: 24 de noviembre Autores: Alex S. F. Kwong[Opens in a new window],Rebecca M....
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Maintenance Treatment With Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics for People With Nonaffect...
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Reward Processing in Depression: A Conceptual and Meta-Analytic Review Across fMRI and EEG...
Uncovering neurodevelopmental features in bipolar affective disorder
Effect of delaying treatment of first-episode psychosis on symptoms and social outcomes: a...
Evidence for Dopamine Abnormalities in the Substantia Nigra in Cocaine Addiction Revealed...