Revistas de Geriatría
Association of nutrition and immune-endocrine dysfunction with muscle mass and performance in cognitively impaired older adults
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 16 November 2017 DOI: Autores: L.Tay, B.P.Leung, S.Wee, K.S.Tay, N.Ali, M.Chan, W.S.Lim. Background: With lean mass declining early in Alzheimer’s...
Humor doesn’t retire: Improvisation as a health-promoting intervention for older adults
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Fecha de publicación: 28 October 2017 DOI: Autores: Lucy A.Morsea, Linda Xionga, Vanessa Ramirez-Zohfelda, Anne Seltzera,...
Prediction of the Future Need for Institutional Care in Finnish Older People: A Comparison of Two Birth Cohorts
Gerontology Fecha de publicación: December 2017 DOI: Autores: Salminen M., Eloranta S., Vire J., Viikari P., Viikari L., Vahlberg T., Lehtonen A., Arve S., Wuorela M., Viitanen M. Background: More recent birth...
Global Sensory Impairment Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Older U.S. Adults
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Fecha de publicación: 24 September 2017 DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15031 Autores: Jayant M. Pinto MD, Kristen E. Wroblewski MS,...
Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition and Successful Ageing in Elderly Individuals
Gerontology Fecha de publicación: December 2017 DOI: Autores: Tyrovolas S., Haro J.M., Foscolou A., Tyrovola D., Mariolis A., Bountziouka V., Piscopo S., Valacchi G., Anastasiou F., Gotsis E., Metallinos G., Papairakleous...
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Effects of Indoor Footwear on Balance and Gait Patterns in Community-Dwelling Older Women
Prediction of the Future Need for Institutional Care in Finnish Older People: A Comparison...
Age-related changes in the range and velocity of postural sway