Neurology Journal

Neuropsychiatric symptoms predict hypometabolism in preclinical Alzheimer disease

Neurology Journal May 9, 2017 vol. 88 no. 19 1814-1821 Kok Pin Ng, MRCP, Tharick A. Pascoal, MD, Sulantha Mathotaarachchi,...

Long-term cortisol measures predict Alzheimer disease risk

Neurology Journal January 24, 2017 vol. 88 no. 4 371-378 Gilda E. Ennis, PhD, Yang An, MS, Susan M. Resnick,...

Decrease in Aβ42 predicts dopa-resistant gait progression in early Parkinson disease

Neurology Journal April 18, 2017 vol. 88 no. 16 1501-1511 Lynn Rochester, PhD, Brook Galna, PhD, Sue Lord, PhD, Alison J. Yarnall, MRCP, Rosie Morris, MSc, Gordon Duncan,...

Differentiating cognitive impairment due to corticobasal degeneration and Alzheimer disease

Neurology Journal March 28, 2017 vol. 88 no. 13 1273-1281 Gregory S. Day, MD, MSc, Tae Sung Lim, MD, PhD, Jason Hassenstab, PhD, Alison M. Goate,...

Corpus callosal atrophy and associations with cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease

Neurology Journal March 28, 2017 vol. 88 no. 13 1265-1272 Jennifer G. Goldman, MD, MS, Ian O. Bledsoe, MD, MS, Doug Merkitch, BA, Vy Dinh, BA, Bryan...